碧玺度假村酒店&卓越的品牌服务 连续两年夺得最佳连锁酒店大奖Beachcomber Resorts & Hotels’ hallmark service excellence has been rewarded for the second year running with the Best Hotel Chain Award2017-05-16
Beachcomber Resorts & Hotels’ hallmark service excellence has been rewarded for the second year running with the Best Hotel Chain Award at the second edition of the Italia Travel Awards, which were held in Rome on 11 May 2017.
碧玺度假村酒店在一众名牌酒店品牌中脱颖而出,在颁奖晚宴上,碧玺酒店集团意大利团队被授予大奖。“意大利旅游大奖是意大利旅游产业中最负盛名并且最具荣誉的大奖。我要感谢所有碧玺集团工作人员,是他们每一天的辛勤工作造就了最好的碧玺酒店”,碧玺酒店集团意大利分公司董事Sheila Filippi这样说道。
Beachcomber Resorts & Hotels has been selected among a number of prestigious hotels brands and the awards presented to the Beachcomber Italy team during the awards evening. “The Italia Travel Awards are the most prestigious and sought-after accolade in the country’s tourism industry. I would like to thank all our Beachcomber artisans for the incredible work they do everyday to make our hotels the best”, commented Sheila Filippi, Director of Beachcomber Resorts & Hotels Italy.
这次活动上15个类别得奖者,是由15000位意大利旅游业注册用户通过自由公正的投票通道投票推选。此次投票网址是www.italiatravelawards.it ,投票时间从2016年10月截止至2017年4月。一年一度的盛事晚宴邀请了来自整个旅游业的400位著名嘉宾。
The winners in each of the 15 categories have been selected by more than 15.000 registered users through a free and transparent voting system exclusively online between October 2016 and April 2017 at www.italiatravelawards.it. The gala dinner of this annual event was attended by 400 distinguished guests representing the entire tourism sector.